The 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Educational Research, Social Science and Humanities (APCERSSH-2024) is designed to serve as a premier platform for esteemed Research Experts worldwide. Attendees can anticipate unparalleled opportunities to network, gain invaluable insights, showcase their hidden potential, present significant research findings, and receive due credit and recognition for their diligent work. With an overarching theme centred on preparing for a sustainable future, the conference aims to pave the way for a healthier and brighter tomorrow for generations to come. Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey of research innovation, collaboration, and enlightenment as we collectively strive to shape the future and redefine the very essence of scholarly achievement. APCERSSH-2024 cordially invites submissions of full papers and abstracts across a spectrum of sessions, including (but not limited to) the following:
(a) Gender Studies, (b) Culture Studies, (c) Political Studies, (d) Religious Studies, (e) Anthropology Studies, (f) Linguistics, (g) Current Trends in Educational Research, (h) Finance, Marketing, HRM and Economics
1 Why is the US stuck with a two-party system?
2 Most representative electoral systems.
3 Prerequisites for instauration of authoritarianism.
4 Reasons for current worldwide drop in democracy indices as reported by Freedom House.
5 Reasons for current worldwide drop in democracy indices as reported by Freedom House.
6 volution cycle/ paths of an authoritarian regime.
7 Surveys show that people in Western countries value democracy less than before.
8 Civil disobedience forms in modern era topic.
9 Mass-media control as a key element ensuring perpetuation of authoritarian and populist regimes.
10 Role of businesses/ agencies using black PR elections.
If your abstract has been accepted and the registration fee for APCERSSH-2024 has been paid, you are invited to submit the full paper. Please adhere to the following guidelines for the submission:
Once your full paper is prepared according to the above instructions, please proceed to submit it through the provided link. Submit your Full paper Here.