Session Overview

The 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Educational Research, Social Science and Humanities (APCERSSH-2024) is designed to serve as a premier platform for esteemed Research Experts worldwide. Attendees can anticipate unparalleled opportunities to network, gain invaluable insights, showcase their hidden potential, present significant research findings, and receive due credit and recognition for their diligent work. With an overarching theme centred on preparing for a sustainable future, the conference aims to pave the way for a healthier and brighter tomorrow for generations to come. Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey of research innovation, collaboration, and enlightenment as we collectively strive to shape the future and redefine the very essence of scholarly achievement. APCERSSH-2024 cordially invites submissions of full papers and abstracts across a spectrum of sessions, including (but not limited to) the following:

(a) Gender Studies, (b) Culture Studies, (c) Political Studies, (d) Religious Studies, (e) Anthropology Studies, (f) Linguistics, (g) Current Trends in Educational Research, (h) Finance, Marketing, HRM and Economics

Culture Topics
is contribution to The Sustainable Development Goals

Who Can Join

Research Scholars
Technology Experts
Students & Alumini’s
Editorial Board Members of Journals
Government Officials
Industry Professionals

Culture Topics


1 Worldwide cultural diversity loss as a result of abandoning traditions and urbanization.

2 Prerequisites for efficient intercultural communication.

3 Strategies to minimize culture shock.

4 Ethics of cultural appropriation, Western societies.

5 Architectural legacy of Aztecs.

6 Relationship between empires and cultural assimilation.

7 Cultural assimilation - modern patterns and causes.

8 Cultural and historical value of extinguishing languages.

9 Factors determining dominance of one culture over another.y

Session Speakers

Dr. Pattamawadee Sankheangaew

Lecturer and Researcher
Faculty of Buddhism
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University

Key Themes

  • The conference on Educational Research, Social Science, and Humanities presents an enriching session on Gender Studies, delving into multifaceted subtopics that provoke critical analysis and discussion.
  • The session scrutinizes Mass Media's role as a potent instrument for propagating gender equality in conservative patriarchal societies. Examining how entertainment media can challenge ingrained norms and foster progressive attitudes underscores the transformative potential of storytelling and representation in shaping cultural narratives.
  • In the realm of employment practices, the discourse navigates the complex terrain of preferential hiring based on gender. Through nuanced discussions, participants explore the ethical considerations and practical implications of affirmative action, pondering when such measures are justified and when they risk perpetuating discriminatory practices.
  • Family Evolution vis-a-vis Egalitarian Societies invites reflections on the evolution of familial structures and their alignment with principles of equality. By juxtaposing traditional familial models with egalitarian ideals, scholars interrogate how societal shifts influence gender dynamics within intimate spaces.
  • The session also probes into the stress resilience of genders in professional settings, questioning whether resilience varies based on profession or is inherently linked to gender. By unpacking the nuanced interplay of societal expectations, workplace culture, and individual coping mechanisms, participants engage in illuminating discussions on gendered experiences of stress and resilience.
  • Focusing on worldview disparities, the discourse navigates the similarities and differences between male and female perspectives. By dissecting cognitive, emotional, and cultural influences, scholars seek to elucidate how gender shapes one's perception of self, others, and the world at large.
  • Analysing variations in social network sizes across genders sheds light on the intricate web of social connections that underpin individuals' lives. Exploring the factors influencing network formation and maintenance, participants gain insights into how gender dynamics intersect with social capital and support systems.
  • The session also confronts the stark disparities in suicide attempt and completion rates across genders in the United States. By scrutinizing underlying sociocultural factors and systemic shortcomings, scholars endeavour to devise holistic approaches to mental health support that address gender-specific vulnerabilities.
  • Finally, the conference delves into diverse conceptions of happiness across genders, unravelling the nuanced interplay of societal expectations, individual aspirations, and cultural norms. By interrogating how gender shapes perceptions of fulfillment and well-being, participants embark on a journey to reconceptualize happiness in more inclusive and equitable terms.

Evaluation Process

  • IFERP ensures a timely and fair review process for abstracts submitted to APCERSSH -2024, despite a large volume of submissions.
  • Within 2-3 days of the abstract submission, a double-blind peer review process is conducted by the scientific review committee.
  • Authors will receive the results of the abstract review within 2-4 days of submission.
  • Notices of paper acceptance or rejection, along with reviewer comments, will be sent to the author.
  • If revisions are required, authors must submit amended abstracts within a week.
  • Rejected manuscripts will include reviewer suggestions to aid authors in improving their studies.

Scope & Benefits of Attending APCERSSH-2024 conference

Attending APCERSSH-2024

  • Comprehensive Coverage: APCERSSH 2024 offers a diverse array of session topics, ranging from Gender Studies to Finance, Marketing, HRM, and Economics. Attendees can explore various disciplines within educational research, social sciences, and humanities, gaining insights into the latest trends, methodologies, and theoretical frameworks shaping these fields.
  • Interdisciplinary Exchange: The conference provides a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration, fostering cross-pollination of ideas across different fields of study. Participants have the chance to engage with scholars and practitioners from diverse backgrounds, enriching their perspectives and expanding their professional networks.
  • Cutting-Edge Research Presentations: APCERSSH 2024 features presentations of cutting-edge research findings and innovative practices in educational research, social science, and humanities. Attendees gain access to the latest developments in their respective fields, staying abreast of emerging trends and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in their areas of expertise.
  • Networking Opportunities: The conference offers ample opportunities for networking, allowing attendees to connect with peers, mentors, and potential collaborators from around the Asia Pacific region and beyond. Through informal discussions, panel sessions, and social events, participants can exchange ideas, share best practices, and forge valuable partnerships for future research endeavours.
  • Professional Development: Attending APCERSSH 2024 provides valuable professional development opportunities, including workshops, seminars, and panel discussions led by experts in the field. Participants can enhance their research skills, learn new methodologies, and gain practical insights into addressing contemporary challenges in educational research, social science, and humanities.
  • Publication Opportunities: Presenting research at APCERSSH 2024 offers the chance for publication in conference proceedings or affiliated journals, providing scholars with a platform to disseminate their work to a wider audience and contribute to the academic discourse in their respective fields.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Abstract Submission:

  • Language: Abstracts must be written in English.
  • Length: Limited to one paragraph with 200-250 words.
  • Format: Submit in MS Word (.doc or .docx) document format.
  • Content: Abstracts should provide an informative summary of the original work. Include a brief biography with your abstract, following the example provided in the template.
  • Formatting: Center-align the Title, Author's Names, and Affiliations. Underline the presenting author's name.
  • Submission: Please submit your abstract through the designated submission portal.
  • Acknowledgment: Upon abstract submission, you will receive an acknowledgment email within three working days.

Evaluation Process

Guidelines for Full Paper Submission

If your abstract has been accepted and the registration fee for APCERSSH-2024 has been paid, you are invited to submit the full paper. Please adhere to the following guidelines for the submission:

  • Total number of pages: 6-8 in double-column format
  • Language: English (checked for grammar and language errors)
  • Tables, figures, and images should be properly named and of high quality.
  • Keywords should be written in lowercase letters (except for names/scientific names) and separated by commas.
  • Affiliation names, including the country, must be provided.
  • Each paper should be structured into the following sections:
  • Background, Motivation, and Objective
  • Statement of Contribution/Methods
  • Results, Discussions, and Conclusions

Once your full paper is prepared according to the above instructions, please proceed to submit it through the provided link. Submit your Full paper Here.

Session Lists


International Journal of Agro Nutrifood Practice
ISSN: 2583-066X
Technoarete Transactions on Renewable Energy, Green Energy and Sustainability
ISSN: 2583-1968
To be a Presenter please submit your Research Abstract
To be a Listener, Please register